pregnancy yoga

Yoga Students

Achieving Optimal Foetal Positioning with Yoga

OFP, Optimal Foetal Positioning, is just one of the many arcane acronyms that seem to fill pregnant life: PGP (Pelvic Girdle Pain), ROA (Right Occiput Anterior), LOA (Left Occiput Anterior), AIMS (Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services) and many, many more. If given a choice to pick my favourite, I would definitely go for

Lockdown Humor
Philosophy, Practice

How to Introduce Pranayama for Beginners

Many people are attracted to yoga by its physicality rather than its spirituality. Teaching some simple deep breathing techniques is a great way to introduce pranayama to novice yogis. So What is Pranayama Anyway? In its simplest form, pranayama is just deep breathing. Yes, we can make it technical by using only one nostril, closing

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Neck Health
Health, Practice, Pre And Postnatal Yoga

The do’s and the dont’s of Mama Yoga

Prenatal, Pregnant or Postnatal Yoga — these are not the same animal! Yes, you read that right. There are three different stages and they each require something different. Here is a quick skinny on how to approach each of them. If you’re curious about becoming a pregnancy yoga teacher, check out YogaLondon’s Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training. 

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