yoga therapy

Back Pain Relief
Arm Support Poses, Asana, Back Bend, Core Awakening, Department, Forward Bends, Graduates, Health

Yoga For Lower Back Pain: It May Be As Good As Physiotherapy

Yoga may be about as good as physiotherapy for treating lower back pain, according to a new study published in a major medical journal. The results of the long-term study, which involved a large and racially diverse group of participants, come as welcome scientific support for using yoga as a therapy for back pain. Whilst […]

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Yoga prescription

How Yoga Can Help With OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder affects 1-2% of the population, and is concerned with both obsessions and compulsions. You might remember Dustin Hoffman’s Rain Man character, Raymond Babbitt, who’s OCD forced him to follow a ritualistic pattern of routine. Although an extreme example, Babbitt’s OCD governed how many fish sticks he could eat at any given time, and

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Mudra Mastery

Combat PTSD with Yoga

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a nasty business. Anyone can experience PTSD, however the most likely victims to fall foul of this psychiatric disorder are: firefighters, rape victims, prisoners of war, war veterans, witnesses of natural disaster, and car crash survivors. Normally a trauma survivor’s stress reaction will recover in time. However for some, their stress response

Understanding Viniyoga

Know Your Styles: What is Viniyoga?

Viniyoga, was created and developed by Krishnamacharya, the great guru and yoga master. “Vini” in loosely translated Sanskrit means “adaption,” and that’s just what this practice is, adapting yoga to the individual. It teaches students to adapt traditional yoga practices to fit their needs, limits, and goals. Viniyoga is also for everyone and anyone, taking

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