food and nutrition

Lentil Salad
Health, Nutrition, Yogic Recipes

Yogic Recipes: Lentil & Chard Salad

Enjoy this simple, nutrient-packed, sprouted lentil salad. Sprouting is the practice of germinating seeds from grains, nuts, beans and other kinds of seeds. Once sprouted, they are bioavailable and easier to digest, with your body being able to access their full nutritional profile. Prep: 20 minutes Makes: 4 servings Ingredients 4 cups sprouted black lentils

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Yogic Recipe
Health, Nutrition

Yogic Recipe: World’s BEST Kimchi

If you’ve never tried to make Kimchie, or you’ve made it a thousand times, this recipe is easy, delicious and compliments every dish imaginable. The ginger stimulates the secretion of stomach acids and therefore aids digestion. The lacto-fermentation process produces various strains of probiotic bacteria that promote gut health. The cabbage provides fiber with high levels

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Pranayama Thread
Health, Nutrition, Yogic Recipes, Yogis Guide

Yogic Recipes – Raw Cucumber Avocado Mint Soup

Spring is a time of renewal and new beginnings, a perfect time to nourish your liver! This raw cucumber mint soup is packed with liver cleansing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Cucumber has high amounts of water which make it a natural diuretic which in turn helps to cleanse your liver. It’s also a great way to

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