
Yoga Dating

Yoga Dating – not for the faint-hearted!

Picture the scene. There are people sweating in a darkened room, contorted into uncomfortable positions, their faces red, their muscles screaming.  What, we ask ourselves, could be more conducive to a romantic liaison? Er…Welcome to yoga dating! So, yes, yoga dating is a thing. Being a single person looking for love and living in London […]

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Meditation Kinds
Amplifying Others Voices

Interview: Amani Eke on founding a not-for-profit yoga organisation and her addiction to Egyptian Yoga

Amani Eke is the Founder of Project Yogi – a not-for-profit organisation that teaches yoga and mindfulness to children in schools and youth groups in London. She is an inspirational person who saw how the health and well-being benefits of yoga would help the children she worked with, and actually did something about it.  1.

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