Forward Folds
Health, Practice

3 Useful Secrets to Deepening Your Forward Folds

Have you ever wanted to get deeper in your forward fold? Do you feel like you haven’t made progress in awhile with these? Well, I am here to tell you three little secrets to help you! These are commonly forgotten and are key to a deeper forward fold. First and foremost, why should we forward […]

Depression treatment
Asana, Health, Philosophy, Practice, Social, Yogis Guide

Yoga Proven to Treat Depression

New research is bringing yoga one step closer to becoming a medically recommended treatment for depression. Findings show that yoga practice can help reduce symptoms of the condition, which is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States and worldwide, with around 16.1 million American adults alone experiencing at least one

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Patience in progress

Here’s Why You Owe Your Practice to Hatha Yoga

When you think about Hatha Yoga, it is rare that two people will come up with the same definition based on their experience in modern-day classes. However, yoga as we know it today owes a lot to the original Hatha Yoga discipline. In a world filled with hundreds of different kinds of yoga practices, we

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