
Yoga Healing
Asana, Health, Social

Yoga can heal wounds caused by abuse

A new report shows that girls traumatised by a history of abuse and trauma can be helped to improve their own lives through yoga. Rocsana Enriquez, 26 years old, had grown up with violence and sexual abuse.  She ran away from home frequently and became involved in street gangs as a teenager. While she was

Yoga Blog
Asana, Practice

YogaLondon: Yoga Teacher in Training

One step forward two steps back Home Practice My home practice has been developing well these past few weeks, however, a few highlights stood out: The first was practising our exam sequence to the beat of a metronome on YouTube (to help with counting the number of breaths for each asana). I started with Pranayama

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Strong Shoulders
Arm Support Poses, Asana, Practice, Yogis Guide

Yogi’s Guide: Super Strong Shoulders

As a novice yogi, I clearly remember the frustration of poor upper body strength. My shoulders were so weak that chaturaṅga daṇḍāsana resembled a breakdancing caterpillar and iconic poses like bakāsana (crow) and handstands were an impossible dream. But I was not alone. Many people lack strength in their shoulders when they first come to

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Self Care
Asana, Health, Philosophy, Practice, Social, Yogis Guide

The Yogi’s Guide to Self-Care (Without Breaking The Bank)

Do you ever find your yoga practice slipping away from what your instincts tell you is yoga? Are you rushing to class in a frenzy, or feeling like practice is yet another thing to tick off the to-do list? If that feels familiar, chances are you might be in need of a little self-care. But

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