injury prevention

Ankle Care
Asana, Practice, Standing Poses, Yogis Guide

Yogi’s Guide: The Ankle

Ankles are amazing things – they (literally) hold us up and propel us around. They absorb HUGE amounts of impact when we run and jump. And yet we rarely pay them any attention. Unless they are a problem, of course, then they can cause pain and suffering. Let me introduce you to the incredible world

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Wrist Care Tips

6 Handy Hints for Happy Wrists

Our hands are amazing things. A real marvel of biomechanics, we use them to manipulate our environment; to gather information about the world around us and eloquently express our feelings. For yogis, though, they have another absolutely vital function — supporting us in our asana. But how do they do all of this and just

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Health, Nutrition

Rest and Recovery: What to Eat after Yoga Class

After practicing a strenuous activity such as yoga, it’s possible that some of your muscle or tendon fibers tear slightly or become injured. This can sometimes go unnoticed, but if you regularly practice a posture incorrectly or, even worse, you don’t replenish your body to repair itself, your body is more susceptible to greater injuries. The foods you

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