
Yoga Gym

Yoga vs. The Gym: Which Would You Pick?

I often tell myself not to compare things, not to measure one thing against the other but to simply accept each thing for what it is: everything is perfect in its own way. However the one comparison I have often found myself coming back to again and again – with myself, with friends and with

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Rainy Day Movies
Self Care, Social, Wellbeing

Ten Reasons why Spending Time Outside is more Important than Ever in Lockdown 2.0

Back in lockdown 1.0, we all threw ourselves enthusiastically into our hour of exercise a day. We tuned in to Joe Wickes, we bought bikes, scooters and trampolines in record numbers. And of course, threw ourselves into the plethora of online yoga classes out there. This time around the mood is slightly less enthusiastic. We

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