
Top Questions
On Yoga Teaching, Yogis Guide

Answers to the TOP TEN Questions Wannabe Yoga Teachers Ask

This year hasn’t been easy, but for some, it’s provided some mental space to think about what’s really important. Family, yes. Friends, yes (but perhaps not all of them). Yoga, yes. Yoga has been a bedrock for so many people during this strange and uncertain time. Some of you may have found yourselves furloughed with […]

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Christian Yoga
Asana, Graduates, Philosophy, Practice, Social, Uncategorized

Ohm my God! Christian Yoga Causes Controversy

While science has been championing the positive effects that yoga can bring to the mind and body, religion seems to be following suit, with Christians making yoga good for their souls, too. The first “Christian Yoga” emerged in a book of that title, which was published in 1960, but it has taken some decades to

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Holiday Home Yoga
Graduates, Health, On Yoga Teaching

Interview: Flip Your Dog for Mental Health founder Vaughan Dagnell on the Importance of Mental Health

Vaughan Dagnell is a soon-to-be YogaLondon graduate and founder of the charitable organisation Flip Your Dog for Mental Health. Set up in response to feeling disconnected in lockdown, his first fundraiser raised almost £4k for mental health charities and he plans on making his efforts an ongoing platform to join yoga and mental health. We

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Financial Aid
Asana, Health, Practice, Social, Yogis Guide

Do Yoga ANYWHERE this holiday season

We are right in the middle of the holiday season! That time of year when yoga studios close down and personal practice is SO hard to come by. But, yoga is the perfect antidote to family gatherings and office parties. How does a yogi keep practicing when the festive spirit takes hold? Yoga can be

Christian Yoga
On Yoga Teaching

What the Roadmap out of Lockdown means for Yoga Teaching

We are coming up to the anniversary of the UK’s first lockdown. It feels like it’s about a hundred years ago, and five minutes ago. Last May I wrote an article about getting ready for yoga teaching after lockdown, with no inkling that I would be writing virtually the same article almost a year later.

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Orange Significance
On Yoga Teaching, Practice, Social

A Yoga Teacher Marketing Toolkit: How to Promote Yourself

Being a yoga teacher is a great job. You’re doing something you love, and teaching other people to love yoga as much as you do. But there’s a lot more to being a yoga teacher than just teaching yoga. Students don’t just turn up by magic – sadly. In order to get students through your

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Asana, Uncategorized, Yogis Guide

What are yoga Props, and how to improvise them for home practice

Props are really, really great. They are SO useful to keep you safe in class and help you to move deeper into a pose than you could without them. They open up a world of possibilities for making poses more accessible AND more challenging. But let’s start from the beginning…   What ARE Props? Props

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Raw Soup Recipe
On Yoga Teaching, Social

10 Top Tips to moving your Yoga classes ONLINE

The global COVID-19 crisis we’re experiencing has changed everyone’s lives overnight. Just a few weeks into being told to stay at home, the impacts are being felt on a personal, national and global scale. But how is this affecting the yoga industry? Just like every other service, yoga teaching has had to stop in real

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