
Post Lockdown Teaching
Asana, Practice, Social

The gender imbalance in yoga…

The number of men practising yoga is growing. According to the 2016 Yoga in America Study by Yoga Journal and the Yoga Alliance, of those practising yoga in America, 28 percent are men. Though that may not sound very high, it’s up significantly from the mere 17.8 percentage of men identified in the 2012 edition […]

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Home Practice
Asana, Hip Openers, Practice

5 Delicious Hip Openers for the Less Flexible Yogi

Many people come to yoga as a way to increase their flexibility. I certainly did and I remember SO clearly how impossible some yoga poses seemed to be. How could I even dream of doing an utthita pādāngusthāsana balance (standing big toe hold) when I couldn’t actually reach my big toe? My adho mukha śvānāsana (downward-facing

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First Class Encouragement

5 Essential Mudras and When to Use Them

Ever been in class and see someone looking very yogic and wise by making funny gestures with their hands? These are mudras, and they’re more powerful than they look. When used with awareness, mudras can alter our mood, change our attitude and increase our concentration. On advanced practitioners, it is thought that mudras can be

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Enhanced Salutations
Asana, Health, Practice

The post-holiday return to the mat

So how is your yoga practice going after the holiday break? It can be such a struggle to ease back into regular practice after the fun and festivities, can’t it? Or maybe, like me, you have been laid low with this horrible flu virus and haven’t even contemplated rolling out your mat for a while

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