
Mula Bandha
Asana, Health, Practice, Social

How to Keep Your Sequencing Fresh

The art of sequencing your yoga classes is to make them work for both your students and you, the teacher. As yoga teachers we give of ourselves, and often those that are drawn to teaching yoga are those who naturally want to share and help others. However, this can come at a cost to your

Mindful commute

Mindfulness in London: Commit to your Commute

If you’re reading this blog, the likelihood is you know a little something about mindfulness. That calming sense of here and now – being present within a moment and allowing past and future worries to stay where they’re meant to be. One of the first images when thinking of mindfulness is likely to be that

Meditation states

Introducing The 5 Brain States Of Meditation, According To Science

We’re not talking about heaven, God or Nirvana here, but how to build a happier society. ~Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama. In 1987 a meeting of great minds saw the birth of The Mind and Life Dialogues, a platform designed to promote discussion between the Dalai Lama, eminent scientists, philosophers, contemplatives and scholars. They

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