
2020 Toll
Coronavirus, Self Care

How 2020 has Taken its Toll and What We can Do About it

  Well, here we go again. Lockdown 3.0. We kind of knew it was coming, but that doesn’t make the news any easier to hear. But in the Prime Minister’s latest lockdown announcement we heard that “roughly one in 50 people have contracted the virus, higher in some parts of the country, lower in others.”

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Condensed Class

Let Yoga Take Care of YOU this Christmas

Yoga is a fantastic way to tune back into yourself, especially over the Christmas period when over-indulgence and stress can run high. Here Poppy Pickles delves into some yoga techniques for self-care at Christmas. As the darkness of midwinter encroaches, the barometer plunges and the trees have shed all but a few leaves. We start

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