
Yoga Blog
Amplifying Others Voices, On Yoga Teaching

Interview: Brenda Wanjiku on yoga in quarantine, growing avocados and doing yoga with her stepdad

Brenda Wanjiku a.k.a. @shikushapes is a YogaLondon graduate who ‘clicked’ with yoga from the very first class she went to.  Self-effacing, artistic and passionate about food, she talks yoga in quarantine, growing avocados, doing yoga with her stepdad and why we should learn from each other. 1. How did you get into yoga? Three years […]

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Prāna Introduction
Asana, Department, Graduates, Philosophy, Practice

Yoga Beyond The Body: Part I

It’s a relatively well-known fact that one of the founding Yoga texts, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, doesn’t mention much about asana. In fact, the only reference the sutras make to physical postures rather plainly states the importance of sitting comfortably.1 This might seem at odds with the plethora of physical variations of yoga now readily available.

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Yoga prescription
Back Bend, Practice

Breaking Down Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog is another iconic yoga pose and one that most yogis will be introduced to in their first yoga class. Having said that, it is far from easy and requires strength and flexibility to be done well. Do you know how to teach a strong Down Dog? Here’s how you do it. Getting Down

Kundalini Awakening
Asana, Forward Bends

How to Make Your Students Fall in Love With Plank Pose

Some students have a tendency to skip through plank pose as they rush on into chaturanga dandasana. But is this fair? Planks can be modified to strengthen shoulders and progressed to build core control. Here’s how to bring planks to life and allow your students to love them as they deserve. The Power of Plank Pose Planks in their various

Post Lockdown Teaching
Asana, Practice, Social

The gender imbalance in yoga…

The number of men practising yoga is growing. According to the 2016 Yoga in America Study by Yoga Journal and the Yoga Alliance, of those practising yoga in America, 28 percent are men. Though that may not sound very high, it’s up significantly from the mere 17.8 percentage of men identified in the 2012 edition

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Present Moment
On Yoga Teaching, Practice, Uncategorized

Starter Kit for Yoga Students – What to Recommend

Since the Coronavirus pandemic hit our shores life as we know it has changed. Even when we come out of lockdown, the way we practice yoga will undoubtedly be different to how it was before. And having your own yoga kit is going to be essential. Many yoga studios had already stipulated that post-lockdown all

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Yoga Class
Graduates, On Yoga Teaching, Practice

Interview: Founder Rebecca Ffrench on YogaLondon’s TEN Year Anniversary

YogaLondon is 10 this November. We talk to our Director and Founder Rebecca Ffrench about what she’s most proud of, the birth of YogaLondon, why she’s moving away from Yoga Philosophy to learn Flamenco and cheese-making…and why YogaLondon’s courses should come with a ‘THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE’ warning! 1. Firstly, congratulations on YogaLondon’s tenth

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